Part V, Reordering

BitterSweet Creative
2 min readSep 1, 2020


More is a hard-driving master. Relentless, exacting. Never formally introduced, but slipped into my subconscious during Saturday morning cartoons and cereal boxes at breakfast. A lie that matures and unfolds: I am not enough, and what I need is more.

Enough is the counter, the alternative and freeing discipline. Enough calms our rush and striving for more, drawing out an attention to and accountability for the world we build through our being and even our buying. Enough is the way we decenter ourselves and recenter, reorder by conviction and with concern for one another.

In this segment, community builder Peter Block discusses with Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann the exodus from More, the wilderness of Enough, and the identity reformation required to make that journey. “Profit is not a worthy enough purpose for all this organized effort,” says Peter.

Peter prompts important questions about our consumerism, which is an “organizing principle of our lives,” he says. So we ask: Is the way I participate in the market honoring to and caring for my neighbor? Perhaps if I can learn to resist the impulse for accumulation and competition, I can ask new questions: In whose hand am I placing this dollar? What and whom does this serve? Are there ways to keep it circulating more locally?

This is the work of Reordering. After ache and awakening, solidarity and repentance, we set out to participate in the world with fresh conviction and imagination for our role in restoration and healing. We have a role to play and a whole life to leverage. The disruptions of 2020 have hopefully cracked our rock-solid routines in ways that can’t simply be put back together. And probably shouldn’t be. So we give thanks, and acknowledge the invitation to choose a different way than the one we came by.

May we more fully intention to care for creation as trustworthy stewards, not selfish tyrants. May we learn to care for each other as brothers and sisters and allow our futures to belong to one another, bound up together and inseparable, joyfully, beautifully.

This is the alternative way and ours is the generation to choose it, consciously and sacrificially. We depart the certainty, power, and scarcity-mindset of empire for the mystery and abundance of wilderness. This way leads us to each other, and leads us to life-full and abundant. Enough.

Originally published at on September 1, 2020.



BitterSweet Creative
BitterSweet Creative

Written by BitterSweet Creative

A creative agency with one foot in story-telling and one foot in client services. Reject cynicism. Defy apathy. Celebrate good.

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